Saturday, April 05, 2008

My trip to Indonesia- March 2008

I have been to Indonesia for my leave where I spent one week. I have been to Banda Ache, Sapung Island and Jakarta.

There are more than 1200 islands in Indonesia. Banda Ache is located in the Northern angle of the island of Sumatra, which is considered as the largest island in Indonesia and the sixth largest island in the world. Ache has been hit by Tsunami, 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which was a massive disaster to the whole area. About 170,000 Indonesians were killed, and more than 500.000 became homeless. You can realize the massiveness of the earthquake when you see a big boat over a house in the middle of the city and when you see a huge power station which was based in the ocean and the waves kicked it out 5 km from its base, and now it is in the city. Tsunami earthquake made the biggest catastrophe in the world.

Banda Ache is still recovering from Tsunami, and you can see it in the eyes of its people. Everyone you meet has a story to tell; some has lost members of their family and others lost relatives. Two months a go, the alarms on the beach turned off for some reason, and the people got very scared and got started running towards the city thinking it is a second Tsunami. I could not understand how the people feel when they see the remains of Tsunami every morning.

I went to Sapung island, which is few kilometers a way from Ache. I had a feeling that I am in Hawaii. The view is amazing; coconut trees and many hammocks are all over the beach. It is a real place for relaxing and having fun. There are little wood houses built over the ocean with little hammocks in the terrace of each room with an ocean view. It is just terrific.

In Ache, I hanged around the city, thanks to my dear friend Gavi whom I know from Washington D.C, I went to the market, rice farms and rode an elephant, which was a lot of fun. I felt that the people in Ache have good hearts, and always smile. They always ask about my nationality, and I was impressed how acknowledged they are about my home. The majority of the people there are Muslims, and that could be the reason. Further, Ache is recognized as Shariia Law area, every woman has to cover her hair as part of the law. No Alcohols are allowed in the province. The most interesting things I experienced in Ache are the grilled fish, avocado juice and the SPA of course. Literally, I had fish every day.

After five days in Ache and Sapung island I flew back to Jakarta. I spent two days with three old friends of mine (Eli, Katrina and Evim) whom I met in Japan in 2001. You came to realize how small this world is when people meet again after a long time. We all together had a wonderful grilled fish dinner “again” over the ocean. Jakarta is a beautiful city and I was really impressed by the high architectural design of the houses, building and the hotel. Globalization is part of the city, you see Starbucks, MacDonald’s, pizza hut..etc everywhere.

It was a magnificent time, and I strongly recommend it for vacations.


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